7 Hair care tips

7 Hair care tips

I have less hair girls with song writing. The beauty of her hair, forsooth anekansa increases. Now the girls are now aware of the health purusamahalao head of hair. I think we still have the wrong idea about the hair. What is the misconception? Satyitai or what? Find out.

Bad idea 1: If you have long hair fall increase in AC. Satyita what? AC - if you have long hair on natural moisture is lost. However, increased hair fall is not certain that there is no proof.

I think I read every day, Email hair bald head will start to read. Satyita what? 100 hair fall every day is normal. But the more he thought of it. This does not mean, you do not count the day you had brown hair. If you come in or amcaralei mutho mutho hair up, then it is better to consult an expert and diseases.

Bad idea 3: stretanim purchase hair fall increases. Satyita what? Hair care products using the best companies have no reason to worry. However, a hair dryer or hair styling product stretanara regular use of hair becomes rough. At that time I did not take proper care of hair fall can be increased.

Misconception 4: skyalpa masaja the hair to fall off. Satyita what? Friction is very loudly skyalpa ghasale hair roots. May result in hair fall.

Misunderstanding of 5 times katale hair is healthy hair, it is thick scratch. Satyita what? This haircut has no relation with the crew in good health. The front of the hair is thick. Gocha katale more like a hair short.

Misconception 6: blo blow-dry the hair fall. Satyita what? It is a temporary loss of blo dry. Taking care of the health of the hair comes back soon.

Misconception 7: Hair does not have a remedy. Satyita what? The greatest misconception. With the progress of science to the problems of the hair and even hair transplant can be very easily.

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